Grigory Ledkov: Big work on support of reindeer husbandry is conducted in Yamal | Север-Пресс



Grigory Ledkov: Big work on support of reindeer husbandry is conducted in Yamal

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In Salekhard a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the president of the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East Grigory Ledkov welcomed the participants of the International Symposium “Preventing the dissemination of infectious animal diseases on climate change”.

He notes that this event has big significance for the whole circumpolar world, where reindeer husbandry exists, and populated areas are far from places of civilization. As he says, today the talk, first of all, is about how nature changes and sends concrete signals; therefore it needs to take measures of fast response. It is impossible to move forwards without understanding and assessing of events, without analysis and scientific approach. The deputy notes that big work on support of reindeer husbandry is conducted in Yamal, growth of indigenous population is observed. Thus, it is possible to say that reindeer husbandry can develop also in the 21st century. Uniqueness of the territory is in so that in one row with industrial growth the reindeer-herding branch can be not only traditional lifestyle but also business of indigenous peoples. In the opinion of Grigory Ledkov, all efforts in Yamal are aimed at preservation of the balance, in order both directions of people’s life activity would peacefully develop on one territory. Grigory Ledkov sees his role as a public figure and a representative of Yamal in the State Duma of the Russian Federation in advancement of recommendations and other final documents on the federal level. He declares that he is ready to conduct dialogue with ministries and departments, to organize platforms for discussion, parliamentary hearings, to send requests and to participate in elaboration of suggestions. The Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East is also ready to cooperate with reindeer herders, scientists, veterinarians and bodies of the power. Grigory Ledkov has already planned a row of working meetings.