"Sevmorgeo" researches subsurface in the mouth of the Ob River | Север-Пресс



"Sevmorgeo" researches subsurface in the mouth of the Ob River

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The Federal research and production enterprise "Sevmorgeo" included into the holding "Rosgeologia" starts geological and geophysical work on researching of subsurface in the mouth of the Ob River.

Last October the Federal agency for subsoil use gave a license for researches and development to the enterprise. Work in the mouth of the Ob River will be fulfilled with help of unique seismic complex, which allows conducting more accurate calculations on shallow water. Specialists will elaborate 2D and 3D geological models of a subsurface area for researching, will evaluate prospects of its oil- and gas-bearing capacity. "Sevmorgeo" should complete the researches till the end of next year, as the informational and analytical portal informs.