State policy of Russia in the Arctic was discussed in the Security Council of the Russian Federation | Север-Пресс



State policy of Russia in the Arctic was discussed in the Security Council of the Russian Federation

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The President of Russia Vladimir Putin conducted the extended sitting of the Security Council. The issue on fulfillment of state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic in interests of national security was discussed within the sitting.

As the head of the state notes in the beginning of the sitting, this region traditionally was and stays in the sphere of special interest. Practically all aspects of national security are concentrated here: military-political, economical, technological, ecological and resources. Thus, according to assessments of experts, the total amounts of fuel and energy resources of the arctic part of the Russian Federation exceed 1 trillion and 600 milliard tons, and the continental shelf contains about one fourth of all shelf reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials in the world, as he says. By the words of Vladimir Putin, large projects in the Arctic are being fulfilled already. The Northern Sea Route is being revived. Almost 1 million and 500 thousand tons of cargoes were transported on it last year, though several years ago this index made a little more than 500 thousand tons. The modern arctic port of Sabetta is being constructed at a good tempo. This is one of supporting points of the Northern Sea Route. Large production on liquefying of natural gas in the South-Tambey field is being created in Yamal. Russian companies start working on the arctic shelf. Thus, the first consignment of oil was offloaded from the platform "Prirazlomnaya" in the Pechora Sea practically several days ago. This is one of the largest, even it is possible to say, it is the largest project, probably, in this zone: the enormous platform, the newest technologies, materials – in general, everything is for the first time, the large serious project, practically, the first step in development of the arctic zone of the shelf, as the President notes. Simultaneously, as the President says, Russia increases its informational, scientific and humanitarian presence in the Arctic. International forums "The Arctic – Territory of Dialogue" played a considerable role in this. They are conducted by the initiative of Russia. He would like to underline that Russia is interested in sustainable development of the region on the basis of cooperation and unconditioned respect of the international law. Within this aim Russia conducts constant exchange of opinions with partners on arctic issues, completely fulfills international requirements on increase of ecological safety in the region. Issues of cooperation in the frontier sphere, in the sphere of sea transportations, interaction in liquidation of consequences of emergency situations at hydrocarbon extraction on the shelf are solved within the Arctic Council. Meanwhile, it is seen that attention of the world community to the arctic region grows. Interests of circumpolar and even non-circumpolar states intercross and face each other here: countries, which are far from this region, express big interest. Also it needs to consider dynamically changing external political, socioeconomic situation in the world, which can bring new risks and challenges to national interest of Russia, including, in the Arctic, as Vladimir Putin notes. In this connection, the head of the state underlines that in these conditions Russia is obliged to take additional measures, in order not to lag behind its partners, to keep Russian influence in the region and in some cases to be ahead of the partners. By the words of Vladimir Putin, for Russia such steps and tasks are priority. In other words, first of all, it needs to increase quality of state management, elaboration of decisions – thus, it needs to create the unified center for responsibility for fulfillment of arctic policy. He would like to underline that it should not be a burdensome bureaucratic body but a flexible operatively working structure, which will help better to coordinate activity of ministries and departments, regions of the Russian Federation and business. Probably, it is expedient to create a body by its status analogous to the state committee with wide powers, as it was made for the Far East. The President instructed the Government of the Russian Federation to present concrete suggestions by the results of discussion. Besides, Vladimir Putin is sure that it needs thoroughly to think over the way of fulfillment of activities within the state program "Socioeconomic development of the Arctic zone of Russia till 2020" (the Government prepared the state program), and to provide its necessary resource content enough for solving of tasks standing in this sphere. Also, as the head of the state considers, international legal formalization of the outer frontier of the continental shelf of Russia in the Arctic Ocean is also an important task, which requires for thorough work. The country has successful experience of solving such tasks. As the President reminds, in March, within the 33rd session of the UN Commission on frontiers of the continental shelf, Russia declared about its right for a part of the Sea of Okhotsk, which earlier had been considered open. To be more exact, this is a part in 52 thousand square kilometers, the bottom of which is continuation of the Russian continental shelf. In the opinion of Vladimir Putin, it is necessary to elaborate an optimal economical model of development of the Northern Sea Route, in order till 2015 to lead its cargo turnover to the level of 4 million tons. It needs to accelerate building of ships of ice class, new nuclear-powered and diesel icebreakers (such plans exist, and the President considers that it needs attentively to follow fulfillment of these decisions), in full amount to complete creation of modern infrastructure of navigation, communication, technical servicing, rendering of urgent help along the whole Northern Sea Route. As the President declares in the conclusion of his speech, Russia will continue investing considerable funds to the Arctic, will solve tasks connected with socioeconomic development of arctic regions, will strengthen security. As he underlines, national interest requires for it. The talk about it took place many times. Serious steps in this direction were taken. Vladimir Putin offers to see, what is done and what needs to be done in the coming future.

Translated from Artyom Amelin The News Agency "Sever-Press"