Do good! The tenth charity marathon will be held in Noviy Urengoy | Север-Пресс



Do good! The tenth charity marathon will be held in Noviy Urengoy

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The tenth charity marathon “Do good” will be held in Noviy Urengoy on the 16th -17th of November. Volunteers set the goal - to collect 3 million 880 thousand rubles. This money will help to make life easier for eleven children, who have to fight against severe genetic diseases.

The charity marathon “Do good” was started with support to butterfly children. It is not yet possible to cure Epidermolysis bullosa, unfortunately.

“Patients throughout life should replace their very thin or missing skin with special dressings. Every day. The whole life. One box of dressings for Anastasia (Nastya) Podosinina costs 7 thousand 500 rubles. She needs it every day. This makes 2 million 700 thousand rubles per year. Therefore, all the funds that we shall be able to raise above the target amount will be transferred to the Podosinins family”, the organizers of the marathon said.

It is planned to allocate half a million rubles to support family of Alexander (Sasha) Makarov. Five-year-old Sasha has already endured many trials during his tiny life. He has a rare congenital disease, in Russian there is no name for it, and search engines give out articles only in English, describing the OEIS complex. A genetic error doomed Sasha to numerous operations that help to establish work of internal organs. He had nine operations done. One more is ahead - a complex surgical intervention to correct the bladder. The family needs to collect 1 million 200 thousand rubles.

“We plan to transfer a part of the required sum of money to Sasha Makarov after the marathon. For him this is another very difficult but vital step on the way to normal life. Usual, such as many people live”, the organizers of the marathon said.

Entertainment activities and sports events will be held within the marathon. The participants of the charity event will be able to work out with the best instructors, taste delicacies from cooks of the town, buy items of applied arts, and even to get a séance of massage from Yelena Salayeva, a specialist of buccal facial massage. She specially arrived in the marathon from St. Petersburg.

A mega-cool and positive Zumba instructor Maria Prokofieva from St. Petersburg will hold two open lessons for everyone. Svetlana Yavorskaya from St. Petersburg will present the dance direction of the Polar Convention, modern and popular dances for everyone.

All the received money will go to the moneybox of the charity marathon.