A participant from Salekhard received the special prize of the first hackathon in the region | Север-Пресс



A participant from Salekhard received the special prize of the first hackathon in the region

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The first hackathon on the Polar Circle was completed. Among the winners there is Pavel Kuprin from Salekhard, who received the special prize by the results of the contest. Also the number of finalists includes the teams “Ds 29” from Moscow, “Terra 0” from Saint Petersburg and “Jingu Digital” from Yekaterinburg. All the winners received the monetary prizes – 150 thousand rubles per place. This information was given to the news agency “Sever-Press” in the press-service of the head of the region.

During two days the youth entertainment complex “Polaris” in Salekhard was home and workplace of 80 hackers (23 teams) from the whole country. The young people were given 48 hours to create software solutions for cases - real social requests from population. The participants’ vision of case solutions was very different: “Tinder for pets” and the service that helps to control stay of children in summer camps, habit trackers, city quests. It is important that many software solutions can really help with social requests from population; in other words, they are not just ideas written “for the desk drawer”.

Thus, Pavel Kuprin developed a prototype of the mobile application with information about all cultural events of the town. Events are marked with color, which symbolizes their emotional coloring. Visited events are stored in a user’s profile and form dynamic visualization. The team “Ds 29” presented the project “ReForMamont” – the mobile application that helps to lead the healthy lifestyle, taking into consideration specifics of the region. The participants from Yekaterinburg developed the platform “YamArt”, which gives everyone the opportunity to create a cultural event and to gather audience for it through the application. The platform is convenient for venue owners and event organizers - it helps to unite them in one place.

According to experts, the hackathon on the Polar Circle was a success, and the presented software solutions will be considered for implementation in the region.