A representative of “RN-Purneftegaz” won the silver award at the championship WorldSkills | Север-Пресс



A representative of “RN-Purneftegaz” won the silver award at the championship WorldSkills

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A young specialist of “RN-Purneftegaz” Vasiliy Nikulnikov became the prizewinner at the VI National championship of cross-industry working professions of high-tech industries WorldSkills Hi-Tech 2019, which was held in Yekaterinburg. This year it gathered 738 contestants from 53 regions of Russia - specialists of the largest Russian corporations, holdings and enterprises.

Rosneft was represented in the nomination “Labor protection” by three participants – the winners of the WorldSkills corporate championship. The specialist of “RN-Purneftegaz” Vasiliy Nikulnikov, who participated in the all-Russian championship for the first time, showed the highest result among the representatives of the company and reached the final. The three leaders were defined after comparison of the sum of points with the finalists from other organizations. Vasiliy Nikulnikov won the second place and received the silver medal of the all-Russian championship WorldSkills Hi-Tech 2019 in the competence “Labor protection”. This information was given to the news agency “Sever-Press” in the office for interaction with mass media and public relations of “RN-Purneftegaz”.

WorldSkills is the international non-profit movement, the aim of which is to increase the prestige of working professions and to develop vocational education by means of harmonization of the best practices and professional standards around the world through organizing and holding of contests of professional skills.



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