A scientist from Yamal is participating in the expedition to Alger Island, Franz-Joseph Land | Север-Пресс



A scientist from Yamal is participating in the expedition to Alger Island, Franz-Joseph Land

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A senior researcher of the sector for archeology of the scientific center for study of the Arctic Andrey Plekhanov is participating in the field historical and archeological expedition on the uninhabited Alger Island of the archipelago Franz-Joseph Land.

The researcher from Yamal intends to study distribution of the cultural layer of the base camp of the polar expedition that took place in 1901-1902. This information was given to a correspondent of the news agency “Sever-Press” in the scientific center for study of the Arctic. Also the group studying ruins of the base camp of a meteorologist Evelyn Briggs Baldwin includes employees of the Russian Arctic National Park and Arkhangelsk museum of local lore. It is planned that the expedition will be completed in September.