A sportsman of Yamal became the champion of Russia on swimming among disabled people | Север-Пресс



A sportsman of Yamal became the champion of Russia on swimming among disabled people

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The Russian swimming championship among persons with disabilities with lesions of musculoskeletal system took place in Ramenskoye (Moscow Region). More than 200 sportspersons from 14 Russian regions participated in the competitions.

By the information given to a correspondent of IA "Sever-Press" in the regional department on physical culture and sport, the level of training of the participants is very high, as these were elimination competitions for the Europe Championship. Yamal was represented by the sportsman from Noyabrsk Bogdan Pavos, a pupil of the coach Alexander Kozlov. He became the winner on distances in 50 meters - backstroke and breaststroke swimming and also on distance in 100 meters - freestyle. Besides, Bogdan took the second place on the past championship of Russia on distance 50 meters in freestyle.