Aleksey Miller: Yamal is the richest gas-bearing basin | Север-Пресс



Aleksey Miller: Yamal is the richest gas-bearing basin

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Russian pipeline gas supplies to China via the “western” route may become the most promising and important gas transport corridor. It was reported to journalists by the head of Gazprom Aleksey Miller.

“Yamal is not just a new gas production center. It is the richest gas-bearing basin, which will provide consumers with gas for more than 100 years. And the fact that Yamal is the richest gas-bearing basin predetermines that the “western” route of Russian pipeline gas supplies to China can become the most promising and significant gas transportation corridor. Therefore, it is exactly Yamal that has all the prerequisites to become the center of gas supplies both to the West and to the East. First of all, to China”, Aleksey Miller said.

In Beijing, within the second International forum “One Belt, One Road” Miller participated in the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, as TASS reports.

The head of “Gazprom” notes that China continues steadily to increase consumption of natural gas and for the first time topped the list of the largest importers in the world.

“Demand for natural gas in China will continue to grow. It is necessary to provide it with reliable supplies for the long-term prospect. Pipeline gas supplies are of great significance here”, Miller said.

He reminds that on the 1st of December this year delivery of Russian pipeline gas to China will be started for the first time.

“For 30 years we shall deliver more than 1 trillion cubic meters of gas to Chinese consumers through the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, the “eastern” route. New large extractive fields in the east of Russia are the resource base. Preparation for this historic event is in good progress”, Miller said.

According to him, the agenda includes discussion of two more projects of deliveries: from the Far East and via the “western” route. In the case of their implementation by 2035 “Gazprom” may become the gas exporter №1 on the Chinese market.