Development of corral reindeer husbandry is being discussed in Yamal | Север-Пресс



Development of corral reindeer husbandry is being discussed in Yamal

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In Yamal it is necessary to develop corral reindeer husbandry, which will help to preserve animal population and to improve life of tundra-dwellers. This opinion was expressed to journalists by the deputy director of the department for affairs of indigenous peoples Rinat Pyak before the meeting of the Council of representatives of indigenous ethnic minorities of the North at the head of the administration of Priuralskiy district.

Rinat Pyak tells that there is small experience of corral reindeer husbandry in the Nadymskiy and Purovskiy districts; it is widely practiced in other regions and countries. According to his words, this form of reindeer husbandry does not suppose permanent keeping of animals in a corral, but it is very useful for protection from predators or pasturing in the dark. The deputy director of the department underlines that the authorities in any case will not solve the problem of deer overgrazing with administrative methods. First of all, the region will go towards increasing capacities of slaughter complexes, purchasing mobile complexes. There are 300 she-reindeer of 700 reindeer; annually they give offspring, as he says. The herds grow, how many animals pastures will endure - science will say. How many deer person needs - tundra-dwellers know. Communities regulate their activity, and private owners know well how important it is to preserve pastures. In the opinion of Rinat Pyak, calculations of necessary area of pastures depend on a place of residence of a family of reindeer herders and length of a route. If 50 hectares of reindeer moss areas are necessary for pasturing of one reindeer in the south of the region, then in the north this amount is twice bigger. As for prices for meat, they should be regulated by the market. Marketing researches are included into the road map on rational use of reindeer pastures. It is not excluded that new shops selling products of reindeer husbandry will appear in Yamal.