Dmitry Artyukhov: the purchase price was raised, now everything depends on reindeer herders | Север-Пресс



Dmitry Artyukhov: the purchase price was raised, now everything depends on reindeer herders

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The governor of Yamal Dmitry Artyukhov visited the slaughter complex of the municipal enterprise “Yamalskiye Oleni” (Yamal reindeer) located near the settlement Yuribey. The head of the region assessed the progress of the stockpiling campaign, which was started in early November.

This year reindeer herders - representatives of ethnic communities and small enterprises receive two times bigger price for the meat handed over than before - 450 rubles per kilogram of the first category. Since next year the increase in the purchase price will touch upon absolutely all categories of reindeer-herding farms. Dmitry Artyukhov spoke with representatives of the communities “Kharp” and “Ya Erv” that drove herds to the slaughter. The reindeer herders said that they had already estimated the change in the purchase price.

“More than twice we raised the purchase price. Reindeer herders already see the difference; they see that they can get more money, if they had a good season, received healthy livestock. Now everything depends on a reindeer herder. If he properly monitors his herd from the point of view of veterinary medicine, nutrition, then the opportunities for bigger earnings increase”, the governor said.

The head of the region also informed the representatives of the communities about the increase in nomadic payments. Since 2020 the monthly allowance for residents leading the traditional lifestyle will grow by 2 thousand and will make 5 thousand rubles per month. Representatives of indigenous peoples asked the governor about that.

At the slaughter complex Dmitry Artyukhov saw the technological process, received the information how the veterinary expert examination is carried out, on what grounds the category of meat is determined. Meat from younger and more well-fed reindeer is referred to the first category.

During two weeks the enterprise stocked more than 100 tonnes of venison, the plans for the season - 300 tonnes, what is by 30 tonnes more than last year. The complex was built in 2012 according to the Finnish project, it is provided with equipment certified according to EU standards. The main amounts of meat are sent for export. The next consignment - 110 tonnes will be sent to Finland next week. 2000 reindeer skins are also prepared for sending.

“This year we expect 100-percent performance of the indicator within the national project “International cooperation and export” at the expense of reindeer meat received within the campaign. The plans of our exporters make 400 tonnes. The experience of last year on reindeer skins was successful, this year we shall deliver the amount two times bigger - 10 thousand reindeer skins – to Finland”, said the director of the regional department of agriculture Viktor Yugai.

Since the beginning of the campaign 330 tonnes of reindeer meat were received in the region, as the press service of the head of Yamal reports. The slaughter is being conducted in Yamalskiy, Priuralskiy, Tazovskiy and Purovskiy districts. In total, this year they plan to receive 2400 tonnes of venison.

Photos and video material can be found here: