Documents, diaries, essays. The presentation of the four-volume edition “The Northern Sea Route” | Север-Пресс



Documents, diaries, essays. The presentation of the four-volume edition “The Northern Sea Route”

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The presentation of the four-volume edition “The Northern Sea Route” dedicated to development of the shortest sea route between Northern Europe and East Asia was held at the Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society (RGS) in Moscow.

The events presented in the publication cover the period of the IX-XXI centuries. They are associated with discovery and development of the Northern Sea Route, discovery and exploration of the north-western and north-eastern outskirts and coasts of Russia, as RGO informs. The book restores forgotten pages of history; there are portraits of polar pilots, sailors, researchers, not only famous, but also those, whom the Russian writer Ivan Goncharov called “unknown small titans”.

The four-volume edition includes documentary historical materials, diaries, letters, memoirs, excerpts from speeches and letters of members of the RGS, stories and essays on the Arctic research. The book is prepared by Tyumen regional public charity foundation “Revival of Tobolsk” and is included in the almanac “Tobolsk and all Siberia”.

The Northern Sea Route passes between the European part of Russia and the Far East; in the legislation of the Russian Federation it is defined as “historically formed national unified transport communication of Russia in the Arctic”. The Northern Sea Route passes through seas of the Arctic Ocean (Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi) and partially the Pacific Ocean (Bering). Its length from the Kara Gates to Providence Bay is about 5600 km. The transport arteries passing through the Suez or Panama canals are the alternative to the Northern Sea Route. If the distance traveled by ships from Murmansk to the port of Yokohama (Japan), through the Suez Canal is 12840 nautical miles, then through the Northern Sea Route - 5770 nautical miles.