Fiber optics confidently enters homes of people of Yamal | Север-Пресс



Fiber optics confidently enters homes of people of Yamal

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90 percent of families in the town Noyabrsk received access to the high-speed Internet on the technology GPON. This information was given to IA "Sever-Press" in the press-service of the company "Rostelecom".

Today work on modernization of communication network in Noyabrsk is close to its important border – the total length of optical lines of communication built by "Rostelecom" in the town achieved for 300 kilometers. The company actively builds fiber optical lines of communication around the country, connecting new subscribers, as the director of Yamal-Nenets branch of "Rostelecom" Konstantin Tretyak informs. According to his words, for example in the town Noyabrsk more than 35 thousand families have access to the high-speed internet and other modern telecommunication services on the technology GPON. Fast and qualitative connection means the new level of communication, gives more opportunities for receiving of electronic state and municipal services, for visiting virtual museums, libraries and philharmonics of different countries of the world, for remote studying and developing own business. Rostelecom successively conducts building of fiber optics around the whole region. For today 12 populated areas of Yamal are covered with multi-service optical network of the company. In autumn of 2014 the Big Optical Building project was started at once in two towns – Salekhard and Labytnangi. This is a full-scale project on extension of internal urban optical network of communication. The stage of Noyabrsk in 350 kilometers is next within the building project, which will be continued this year.