From the Eneolithic to the Middle Ages. Boundaries of 48 archaeological sites were defined in Yamal | Север-Пресс



From the Eneolithic to the Middle Ages. Boundaries of 48 archaeological sites were defined in Yamal

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The service on state protection of objects of cultural heritage in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug defined boundaries of the 48 archaeological sites: settlements, encampments, sacred places, sacrificial places and burial grounds. The monuments are dated from the Eneolithic to the Middle Ages.

The archeologists worked in four districts of the region - Priuralskiy, Tazovskiy, Shuryshkarskiy and Yamalskiy, as the press-service of the head of the region informs. Dates and technical state of the objects being under state protection were confirmed.

The received data are brought into the Unified cartographic system of the region, transferred to the federal cadastral chamber of the Federal Agency for State Registration, Cadastre, and Cartography on Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for registration in the unified state register. They were also sent to the municipalities to bring in the data to the information system for provision of urban planning activity. It will allow safely protecting objects of cultural heritage and preventing from violation of their boundaries.