Gathering the best minds. Yamal will monitor permafrost closely | Север-Пресс



Gathering the best minds. Yamal will monitor permafrost closely

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According to the governor of Yamal Dmitry Artyukhov at the Russian Energy Week, the state of permafrost is changing, but there are no critical indicators yet. In addition, in order not to aggravate the processes of thawing, fuel and energy companies find and use new technologies that do not touch permafrost at all.

“Changes are happening. We see it in average temperatures. It includes both temperature in the atmosphere and the state of permafrost itself. Nothing dramatic is happening, but change is coming. I would like to remind that, in spite of the slight increase in temperature, peaks of frost, and often, can happen. This and last winter people of Yamal experienced 53C degrees below zero”, Artyukhov said.

He also notes that the state of permafrost in Yamal depends on the huge amount of infrastructure - both housing and industrial objects. But Yamal is preparing to meet the challenge. The large scientific project of the West Siberian scientific center is being organized in the region.

“It will include fuel and energy complex and major science, the Institute of the Earth cryosphere, the scientific and research Arctic institute and others. And in such a broad composition we shall be observing permafrost more closely. So far, we do not see risks, but intensity of monitoring will be increased”, the governor of Yamal said.

He also underlines that companies operating in Yamal try to avoid contact with permafrost at all.

“The project “Arctic LNG 2” will be made on a different model. The complex will have no connection with permafrost. It will arrive from Murmansk by water and will be set to work for us. We see that companies find solutions already now”, said Dmitry Artyukhov.

The governor thanked fuel and energy companies for the socially responsible position in work in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

“We see how many objects were built – children’s, social. There is an example - NOVATEK has recently opened a school in the settlement Gyda. It is the extreme north, where even polar bears freeze. And there is the most modern school, such school that capitals would be happy to have. Children - pupils of the school - will now have completely different destiny. It is important that while developing fuel and energy complex we think not only about geopolitics, but also about people”, concluded Dmitry Artyukhov.