Igor Kholmanskikh: Yamal accumulated positive experience on saving of fragile nature of the Arctic | Север-Пресс



Igor Kholmanskikh: Yamal accumulated positive experience on saving of fragile nature of the Arctic

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Numerous reserves of hydrocarbons are concentrated in the Arctic. It is obvious that the process of increase in industrial development of its territory is inevitable.

More than 200 fields of hydrocarbon raw materials were discovered in Yamal, more than 240 licenses with the right for subsoil use for search and extraction of hydrocarbons were given. It was declared by the presidential plenipotentiary envoy in Ural Federal Okrug Igor Kholmanskikh within the meeting in Salekhard on control and supervision over observation of environmental legislation by subsoil users in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. As the plenipotentiary envoy underlines, 5 large centers of oil and gas extraction are situated in Yamal, new objects of infrastructure are being built here. Of course, it is good for economy of the country, but people should not forget that indigenous ethnic minorities of the North reside in the region - their life completely depends on state of environment. The largest Russia’s reindeer livestock is concentrated in the region – about 700 thousand animals. The global strategic reserve of fresh water is concentrated in the Arctic. In his opinion, basic threats to the Arctic are connected with its intensive industrial development. He marked positive experience of Yamal on saving of the Arctic and presented the example on cleaning of Beliy Island in the Kara Sea from ecological wastes. Only this way it is possible to save fragile nature in the Arctic for future generations, as the plenipotentiary envoy notes.