In Dusseldorf specialists from Yamal are discussing opportunities to increase cooperation | Север-Пресс



In Dusseldorf specialists from Yamal are discussing opportunities to increase cooperation

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A deputy governor, the director of the department of international and external economic relations of Yamal Alexander Mazharov, the heads of the towns Muravlenko and Noyabrsk are working in Dusseldorf, Germany.

The trip was organized to strengthen and extend bilateral relations between Yamal and representatives of Dusseldorf in social, cultural and economic spheres. According to the information given to IA "Sever-Press" in the regional department of international and external economic relations, the presentation of Yamal has already taken place. Also the following activities were conducted: meetings in the city-hall of Dusseldorf, the University of Heinrich Heine and one of the largest management housing associations of the town. The participants of these meetings are interested in bilateral cooperation and development of business relations. The first day of the work was completed with the concert for inhabitants of Dusseldorf and its provinces. The participants of the delegation of Yamal – the dancing collective "Raduga" (Rainbow) and Yulia Gnatyuk presented the bright creative program dedicated to cultural traditions of Yamal and culture of other regions of Russia. During their stay in Dusseldorf the delegation from Yamal will discuss issues of housing and communal economy, processing of solid domestic waste, organizing of social work, including physical culture and sport, organizing of leisure for young people, supporting of elderly people and rendering of medical services on the municipal level. As we should remind, the agreement about intentions to create the international public organization "Yamal – Dusseldorf" was signed last January. Officially it was registered in December. Within the agreement it is supposed to continue cooperation between organizations and establishments of Yamal and Dusseldorf in different fields and spheres of mutual interests.