It is suggested to introduce a new course at schools of Yamal
In Yamal it is planned to elaborate educational and methodological literature in languages of peoples of the North. Heads of town and district bodies of management of education will scrutinize opportunities for introducing of the socio-cultural course "Istoki" ("The beginnings") next school year, especially in national villages.
Also they are entrusted to elaborate projects on arrangement of educational and bedroom buildings of rural boarding schools and kindergartens with consideration of peculiarities of culture of northern peoples. Such decisions were taken by the results of the sitting of the collegium at the regional department of education, which took place in Salekhard. The participants of the sitting discussed basic directions of the presidential message and the yearly report by the governor of Yamal. It was decided deeply to study these program documents, because today special attention in Russia is paid to patriotic, spiritual and moral education. This theme is very significant because of loss of sense of patriotic education during the time of perestroika. It is necessary to restore traditions, which were formed in Russia during centuries, but already on the new basis with consideration of specifics of the modern world and the country. It was noted by the head of the department Irina Sidorova to journalists before the sitting. The work is organized on three directions: on problems of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of children and youth, ethno-cultural education with consideration of specifics of the region and cross-national relations. On each of them the representatives of towns and districts of Yamal showed the best experience of work. Among them there are: work of the school of cadets, search groups, school museums and Orthodox camps. The talk was about development and preservation of native languages, cultures and traditions of indigenous peoples and also about inter-cultural interaction. By the words of Irina Sidorova, special conditions for education of children at schools of Yamal are made by migration from near foreign countries and the Caucasian region. By the results of the collegium it was decided to strengthen preventive work at technical schools and colleges on prevention from inter-ethnical conflicts. Colleges and technical schools should prepare suggestions on creation and development of museums, rooms of patriotic education, providing of military and sports clubs, groups and educational gatherings.