Kamchatka is interested in development of the Northern Sea Route for transportation of fish | Север-Пресс



Kamchatka is interested in development of the Northern Sea Route for transportation of fish

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The sitting of the working group on development of the Northern Sea Route took place in Moscow under the chairpersonship of the managing director of "The Far East and Baikal Region Development Fund" Denis Askinadze.

The participants of the sitting discussed issues of transportation of fish products from the Far East to the central part of the country on the Northern Sea Route, as the website of the government of Kamchatka informs. As it is noted within the conference, fishery complex of the region has big potential for increase of deliveries of fish products to Russian market. However, the issue is restricted with undeveloped transport and logistic infrastructure. In the opinion of Denis Askinadze, development of the Northern Sea Route will allow decreasing transport expenditures considerably. If completely to unload the Trans-Siberian Railway, then the total amount of deliveries can make about 1 million tons. Cost of delivery of fish products on the railroad line makes 13 thousand rubles per ton. At delivery of products on the Northern Sea Route cost can make about 9 thousand rubles per ton. At that, terms of delivery will be decreased considerably. Now only 35 percents of fish from the Far East are transported to other districts of Russia. It touches upon both transportations and prices. Disadvantages of railroad transportations can become advantages of transportations of the Northern Sea Route, as Denis Askinadze notes.