Land reclamation was conducted in Messoyakha on the area of old wells | Север-Пресс



Land reclamation was conducted in Messoyakha on the area of old wells

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On the territory of the East-Messoyakhskoye field the company “Messoyakhaneftegaz” completed the next complex of operations on restoration of disturbed lands. This year the oil company conducted reclamation in four exploration wells of the Soviet period belonging to the category of historical heritage lands.

In the course of ecological activities the tundra area was cleared of remains of production equipment, temporary buildings and waste. About 135 tonnes of scrap metal were removed from these areas. The information was given to the news agency “Sever-Press” in the office of corporate communications of “Messoyakhaneftegaz”. Seeds of perennial grasses were sown on the lands at the stage of biological reclamation – such measures will help to prevent from forming of erosions of the sensitive soil layer. Quality of activities on restoration of historical heritage lands was inspected by the permanent commission for land reclamation of Tazovskiy municipality. It includes representatives of the district administration and the Association of indigenous peoples of the North “Yamal is for descendants”. As a result all the lands were taken on the balance of the municipality, on the territory of which “Messoyakhaneftegaz” conducts oil extraction.

During the entire period of development of the autonomic extractive field the company reclaimed 2 million 600 thousand square meters of lands – this territory could accommodate 107 such objects as the Red Square in Moscow.

“In the course of development of the field, construction of the field infrastructure, drilling and extraction we use technologies and methods that have passed strict safety and environmental tests. There are no and cannot be compromises in matters relating to nature-protecting sphere. We try not only to minimize the technogenic impact on the ecosystem of the Far North, but also to fulfill the complex of proactive nature-protecting operations. We fulfill ecological programs on monitoring and protection of the environment on Messoyakha areas. We carry out this work in partnership with contractors and the administration of Tazovskiy district”, said the director general of “Messoyakhaneftegaz” Viktor Sorokin.

The Messoyakha group of fields includes the East-Messoyakhskoye and the West-Messoyakhskoye areas located on the Gydan Peninsula in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The licenses for both blocks belong to “Messoyakhaneftegaz”, the joint venture of “Gazprom Neft” and “Rosneft”.



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