Legal aspects of preservation and development of the Arctic will be discussed in Salekhard | Север-Пресс



Legal aspects of preservation and development of the Arctic will be discussed in Salekhard

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In Salekhard on the 21st -24th of September it is planned to conduct the second international arctic legal forum "Preservation and sustainable development in the Arctic: legal aspects".

It is supposed that heads of northern regions of the Russian Federation, representatives of specialized ministries and departments, of the government of the Russian Federation, chiefs of diplomatic agencies of states of the circumpolar region, Russian and foreign representatives of science, culture, public organizations, business, mass media will participate in the forum, as the press-service of the governor of Yamal informs. Within plenary sessions, thematic sections and round tables the participants will discuss issues connected with the national law of the arctic states at regulation of issues of nature management, social development, environmental protection, support of indigenous ethnic minorities.