Military ecologists completed cleaning on the Marresale Cape in Yamal almost a month early | Север-Пресс



Military ecologists completed cleaning on the Marresale Cape in Yamal almost a month early

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Military men of the ecological squad of the Central military district completed collecting metal scrap on the Marresale Cape on the Yamal Peninsula almost by one month earlier than the scheduled date.

The military men removed 676 tonnes of waste from 4 hectares. The scrap metal was cut, stored and delivered to temporary storage facilities. Now the personnel are packing up the field autonomic camp and preparing to return to their permanent locations, as the press service of the Central military district reports.

32 military men and 23 units of equipment were involved in the task of cleaning of the land. They started work on the 10th of June and planned to finish cleaning by the 1st of October.