Military men will conduct exercises on detection of radioactive and poisonous substances in the Arctic | Север-Пресс



Military men will conduct exercises on detection of radioactive and poisonous substances in the Arctic

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During the exercises the subdivisions of radioactive, chemical and biological defense of the Northern Fleet will train detection of radioactive and poisonous substances in conditions of the Arctic.

This information was given by the chief of the press-service of the Northern Fleet Vadim Serga. The exercises are taking place on training areas situated in districts of Severomorsk and Polyarny. More than 150 military men will participate in them. About 30 units of special military machinery will be used. As Vadim Serga informs, the military men will train special normative standards on detection of radioactive and poisonous substances, on conducting of decontamination, deactivation and disinfection of samples of contaminated weapons, military and special machinery. As the chief of the press-service of the Northern Fleet adds, in the subdivisions of radioactive, chemical and biological defense of the coastal forces it is planned to conduct special training on practical use of weapons standing on arms of flamethrower companies and platoons. According to his words, main attention during the exercises is paid to actions of military men in arctic conditions: at low temperatures and strong wind, as RIA "Novosti" informs.