More than 5 milliard cubic meters of gas were extracted in Pyakyakhinskoye field | Север-Пресс



More than 5 milliard cubic meters of gas were extracted in Pyakyakhinskoye field

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Accumulated extraction of natural gas in Pyakyakhinskoye oil, gas, condensate field in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug exceeded 5 milliard cubic meters. Since the start of industrial production in October 2016 accumulated extraction of oil and gas condensate has made 2 million and 700 thousand tonnes.

Current daily production in the field exceeds 10 million cubic meters of natural and associated petroleum gas, as well as 4400 tonnes of oil and gas condensate. 30 gas condensate and 70 oil wells are in operation, as the press service of LUKOIL reports. Pyakyakhinskoye oil, gas, condensate field is one of the largest in Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug by amounts of explored hydrocarbon reserves being input into commercial operation during the latest several years. Initial extractable reserves of Pyakyakhinskoye field in the category C1+C2 of the Russian classification are estimated in 86 million tonnes of oil and gas condensate and 261 milliard cubic meters of gas. Commercial gas from the field is transported along the main gas pipeline to the head compressor station in the area of Nakhodkinskoye field and further along the gas pipeline to the head compressor station “Yamburgskaya”. Oil is transported along the main pipeline “Zapolyarye-Purpe”.