More than four thousand adolescents will be provided with job this summer in Yamal | Север-Пресс



More than four thousand adolescents will be provided with job this summer in Yamal

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Adolescents of Yamal are going to have a rest this summer and also to work. In total it is planned to provide with job 4 thousand young people. This information was given by specialists of the department on employment of population in Yamal on the sitting of the interdepartmental committee on organizing of a rest, health improvement and employment of children and young people, which took place in Salekhard.

As it is underlined, probably, the number will be bigger. Therefore, municipal authorities call businesspeople to be more active in presentation of workplaces. 174 organizations are ready to provide young people with job. 33 contracts with employers on creation of temporary workplaces for adolescents were concluded. It is supposed that they will work in parks, in streets of the town, on trade enterprises, in medical and educational institutions, as librarians, office runners and assistant workers. This year more than 60 million rubles are allocated for job placement of adolescents, including more than 11 million rubles – from the regional budget.