Names of two people from Yamal will be brought into the Guinness Book of Records | Север-Пресс



Names of two people from Yamal will be brought into the Guinness Book of Records

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The names of the travelers Andrey Menshikov from Purpe and Alexander Yelikov from Noviy Urengoy will be brought into the Guinness Book of Records.

They became the first, who had reached the northernmost continental point of Russia – Cape Chelyuskin – by serial motor-car. The expedition of 2016 lasted during 48 days. The crew overcame 16 thousand kilometers on ice of Siberian rivers, tundra and drifting ices of arctic seas of Russia. The travelers crossed 6 time belts and went along the Laptev Sea. “When we were standing on the edge of the earth, of course, we were excited. When you are standing and realizing that you are the only one, the first of people, who arrived here on your own wheels. You are standing on the very edge, the sea is around – from left and right and ahead. At that, the sea is open, not frozen, it is raging. Everything is very severe here”, as Andrey Menshikov shares his impressions. In two months he again plans to go travelling. He wants to conquer Kurile Islands, as it is informed on the portal