One more natural reserve will be created in Yamal | Север-Пресс



One more natural reserve will be created in Yamal

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The ministry for natural resources and environment of the Russian Federation coordinated creation of the wildlife reserve “Synsko-Voykarsky” on the territory of Shuryshkarskiy district, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The territory of the wildlife reserve is situated in the basin of the Synya River and the Tan-Yu River. Its area will make 292 thousand hectares for preservation and reproduction of population of whitefish species, protection of rare and disappearing species of animals and plants. As specialists of the department of natural-resource regulation, forestry relations and development of oil and gas complex of Yamal consider, protection of ecological systems of Ural spawning rivers should become the main task of the wildlife reserve. The necessity of additional protection of the Synya River and the Tan-Yu River is stipulated with their high significance in the process of natural reproduction of water biological resources. Poaching is a big problem, it negatively influences on reserves of precious whitefish species of the Ob basin, as the press-service of the governor of Yamal informs. Forming of the wildlife reserve has big nature-protecting significance, first of all, for protection of reserves of precious whitefish species and their spawning places on the Synya River and the Tan-Yu River. Scientific stipulation of the necessity to create the wildlife reserve was fulfilled by the institute of ecology of plants and animals, the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of sciences. Now the project of the normative and legal act on creation of the wildlife reserve is being scrutinized in the government of Yamal. When the legal act is approved, the mode of special protection restricting economic activity there will come into force.