People in the whole world will learn about news of indigenous peoples and the Russian Arctic | Север-Пресс



People in the whole world will learn about news of indigenous peoples and the Russian Arctic

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The Russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East became a partner of the special service for Russian and foreign journalists “LivingArctic”. This event is dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of activity of the Association on protection of rights of indigenous ethnic minorities.

Now all regional associations of indigenous peoples and regional branches will be able to report news to journalists across Russia in real time, to tell about problems, to share joy or to offer a topic for discussion in mass media. Since the 15 of February the service begins to work in the pilot mode, but its editor for indigenous peoples Tatyana Voloshina has already started working out technical issues with heads of the associations. Beforehand, LivingArctic will be offered to one thousand correspondents of Russian media resources in the test mode, therefore, every posted news will be seen by representatives of both large media, TASS, Izvestia, RIA Novosti, and many regional editions, TV and radio companies. In addition, the news line will include reports of oil and gas companies, transport and logistics enterprises, the Northern Sea Route, separate ports, air carriers, ecologists and a row of municipalities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russia.

LivingArctic was created by one of the oldest bloggers in the Russian North — Captain Arctic. His blog in LiveJournal took the leading lines in the ratings of 2007-2010, but later he stopped keeping the journal and resumed it only in 2018 in English. The blogger hopes that “LivingArctic” will be the real informational breakthrough for indigenous peoples in mass media.