Potential of Russia on oil extraction in the Arctic was discussed on Saint Petersburg forum | Север-Пресс



Potential of Russia on oil extraction in the Arctic was discussed on Saint Petersburg forum

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The plenary session “Strategic goals and priorities of oil and gas resources development of the Arctic and continental shelf of the Russian Federation” took place on St. Petersburg International Energy Forum.

Scientists and specialists, representatives of authorities and business, specialized developers and manufacturers shared their views, if Russia needs to develop oil production in the Arctic, what technologies and technical tools to use for this, how to consolidate its positions on the global energy market, particularly in areas of perennial ices. According to the words of the chairman of the scientific council of the RAS on geology and development of oil and gas fields, academician of the RAS Aleksey Kontorovich, since 1932, when the first oil field was discovered, domestic oil and gas industry had achieved for outstanding results. The great progress during the recent years of such companies as “Gazprom”, “Rosneft”, “LUKOIL” in the Gulf of Ob and the Taz Estuary, opening of the point “Pobeda” (Victory) in the Kara Sea last year. The technological breakthrough on the platform Prirazlomnaya, which produces about 1million and 500 thousand tons of raw materials, not having analogues in the world. These are the milestones that should be followed to support the course on domestic leadership in oil and gas industry, as he says. If the level of study of gas fields on the shelf is already very deep, then oil potential in the region needs to be explored and developed, as it is informed on the portal There is no experience of development of water areas with perennial ices in the world yet. Neither Norway nor Canada do not have necessary technological base for such kinds of work. Therefore, Russian developers focus all their efforts and opportunities on development of their own potential – in science, production, extraction, as the deputy chairman of the board of “Gazprom” Valery Golubev says. According to his words, now the company supervises work of 38 licensed areas. Almost the third part of them was opened or launched within the latest two to three years. This is an unprecedented increase in tempos of development of oil and gas industry, especially in the Arctic region, and it is necessary to consolidate this increase, as he says.