Reindeer herders are self-isolated in tundra. They were warned | Север-Пресс



Reindeer herders are self-isolated in tundra. They were warned

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In Yamalskiy district the working group of specialists from the office for affairs of indigenous ethnic minorities of the North, the central district hospital and the reindeer-herding enterprise “Yarsalinskoye” visited camps of reindeer herders located near the district center.

The specialists visited 23 families of the reindeer herders. The tundra-dwellers were told about the measures taken in the region and the district to prevent from the spread of the coronavirus infection. As well as they were told about the fact that during the high-alert period in the district the reindeer herders should not visit oil and gas facilities and populated areas unless it is absolutely necessary. The tundra dwellers located in remote areas were informed about everything via SMS notifications to satellite phones. It is reported by the administration of Yamalskiy district.

In addition, the office for affairs of indigenous ethnic minorities of the North under the district administration organized the helpline. By calling the phone numbers, everyone will be able to find out the latest information in the sphere of reindeer husbandry in Yamalskiy district, or, for example, to clarify his or her queue for receiving goods and services.