Russia increased oil extraction | Север-Пресс



Russia increased oil extraction

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The amount of extraction of oil and gas condensate in Russia during ten months of this year increased on 0.7 percent in comparison with the same period of last year. It made 1 million and 448 thousand tons. This information was given in the central dispatch department of fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation.

In particular, from January to October Rosneft extracted 159 million tons, LUKOIL – 72 million tons, "Gazprom Neft" – 28 million tons of oil. Enterprises with Russian capital and joint enterprises with foreign investments manufactured 41 million tons of hydrocarbon raw materials. Gazprom – 13 million tons of oil. 44 million tons of oil were extracted in Russia in October. This is on 0.3 percent more in comparison to last year. At that, average daily extraction achieved for 10 million and 602 thousand barrels per day. Meanwhile, gas extraction in Russia decreased on 5.3 percent – up to 516 milliard cubic meters. Gazprom decreased gas extraction from January to October almost on 10 percent. As "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" informs, main reasons of this tendency are: complicating of geographical conditions of extraction and, correspondingly, its rise in price and also indefiniteness with prices of deliveries to some European countries. As we should note, more than 65 percent of the amount of gas extraction in Russia are on the account of hard-to-get regions of Russia.