Russia participated in discussion on decrease of emissions of black carbon and methane in the Arctic | Север-Пресс



Russia participated in discussion on decrease of emissions of black carbon and methane in the Arctic

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The third sitting of the targeted group of the Arctic Council on activity directed to decrease of emissions of black carbon and methane took place in Sweden.

The Russian delegation was headed by representatives of the Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation. Within the action the participants discussed fulfillment of obligations taken by the countries on the ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council last May in Sweden. In the agenda there were issues of the format, terms of preparation and presentation of national inventories on emissions of black carbon, identification and registration of maximally wide specter of sources of emissions and also evaluation and conducting of comparative analysis of results of national inventories. Besides, on the meeting the participants spoke about possible formats of participation of indigenous population of the arctic zone in this work, about a role of countries and organizations, which act as observers. Speaking about the project of "The Framework document" on the plan of actions towards black carbon and methane, the participants of the sitting came to a conclusion that the document is an item of discussion and additional work on sittings of the targeted group. In conformity with the mandate, this document should be presented on the Ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council in 2015. According to the plan of actions, the countries-members of the Arctic Council will take efforts on decrease of emissions of black carbon and methane. The next sitting of the targeted group is planned for May in Helsinki (Finland).