Scientists of Irkutsk studied quality of water in rivers of Yamal | Север-Пресс



Scientists of Irkutsk studied quality of water in rivers of Yamal

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In Yamal the scientists from Irkutsk conducted ecological monitoring of surface waters in zones far from some economic activity.

The researches show that majority of rivers on these territories are referred to the category "moderately dirty". Water in middle flow of the Shchuchya River, the mountain rivers Khoila, Left and Right Payera and Rukhoila is evaluated as clean. As it is noted in the press-service of the governor of Yamal, sites for ecological monitoring are situated near the Mordiyakha River in Yamalskiy district, on the place of confluence of 4 mountain rivers – Khoila, Left and Right Payera and Burkhoila in Shuryshkarskiy district and not far from the Apakapur River in Purovskiy district and also on other territories. In total 12 monitoring sites have been opened in the region since 2009. There scientists also studied quality of air and soil. Study of air took place at help of snow samples and further laboratory analysis. By the results of this work it is known that the level of lead, chromium and nickel in the air is less than the maximum allowable concentration. Comparative analysis of soils on different sites shows that radionuclide activity is low and not dangerous. During latest 4 years concentration of heavy metals decreased or insignificantly changed. By the words of the scientists, increases can be connected only with dissimilarity of soil cover. As we should add, ecological monitoring of zone far from some economic activity in Yamal will be continued in 2014.