Scientists of Yamal made photographs of polar foxes, wolverines and foxes in the district of the Yerkuta River
Employees of the ecological scientific and research stationary center of the Russian academy of sciences (the town Labytnangi) finished the spring field season on monitoring of beasts of prey in the basin of the Yerkuta River on the territory of Yamalskiy district.
Photo-cameras set in tundra in the end of February made photographs of polar foxes, wolverines and foxes. More than 70 thousand photos were made during the latest month. The scientists note that those places with trail cameras, which made photos of foxes, were not visited by polar foxes. Wolverines were noticed in several locations with trail cameras. Within the time of observation traces of beasts of prey were not marked on the farthest north-western photo-camera – on the coast of the Baydaratskaya Bay. Soil there is covered with powerful coat of ice, as the press-service of the governor of Yamal informs.