Scientists of Yamal offer to grow trees on cryogel | Север-Пресс



Scientists of Yamal offer to grow trees on cryogel

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In the opinion of the director of the regional technological park "Yamal" Alexander Gideon, there are several prospective innovative elaborations that allow growing trees in Yamal towns.

The regional technological park "Yamal" in cooperation with the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of SB RAS (the Siberian Branch of the RAS) suggests fulfilling the project "Cryo-structuring of soil" in the region. Though this elaboration of the Siberian scientists is on the stage of testing, the intermediate results received last year give the basis to suppose that the innovation has good prospects for use in industrial aims in the arctic region, as he considers. The director of the regional technological park "Yamal" explains that cryogel is in the basis of the project. It is an aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol. It gives additional thermal protection and necessary nitrogen-containing microorganisms to plants. Thus, it is possible to grow some southern species of coniferous and deciduous trees in severe climate of Yamal. According to the words of Alexander Gideon, experienced researches on sand quarries showed that the innovative project is suitable for landscaping of quarries, prevention of soil degradation and desertification of tundra. Fulfillment of this project, in the opinion of the scientists, is necessary to improve quality of life of population and microclimate of towns and settlements in Yamal. As we should note, issues of environmental protection and improvement arouse interests and anxiety of people of Yamal. It is demonstrated in messages received within the public initiative "The right to vote". People send their suggestions on improvement of territories in towns and settlements. It is possible to contact with the project on e-mail or in the social network