Scientists of Yamal will use new methods of researches on the Yerkuta River
Scientists of Yamal are preparing to the new field season of the complex scientific expedition, which will last from the 15th of June to the 15th of August in the district of the Yerkuta River.
There during the latest seventeen years the researchers conduct study of terrestrial ecological systems. The deputy director of the branch "The ecological scientific and research stationary center" of the Institute of ecology of plants and animals, Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sokolov told about it to a correspondent of IA "Sever-Press". He says that the season promises to be very intensive, eight researchers from Russia, Norway and France will arrive for the first two weeks. All components of terrestrial ecological systems will be examined in details, as Alexander Sokolov says. These are mammals and birds, first of all polar foxes, birds of prey, passerines and anseriformes. The scientists received permission to take blood samples of the gyrfalcon for genetic studies and also permission for satellite telemetry with use of transmitters on the rough-legged buzzard. Not many scientists in Russia are busy with this work. This year the specialists will be able to use special sensors. Removing them after a year, it will be possible to find out where a bird spent winter. This method is cheaper than satellite telemetry.