Sport is the norm of life. Representatives of Yamal are participating in the All-Russian Rural Games | Север-Пресс



Sport is the norm of life. Representatives of Yamal are participating in the All-Russian Rural Games

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The All-Russian Rural School Games are being held in Gatchina, Leningrad region. More than 200 sportspeople from North-Western Federal Okrug, Siberian Federal Okrug and Ural Federal Okrug are participating in the competitions. The honor of Yamal is being defended by sportspeople from Priuralskiy district. The team consists of 10 children aged 14-16 years old. They will participate in competitions in athletics, basketball and general physical training. A teacher of physical culture of the secondary school of the settlement Aksarka Dmitry Chepaykin is a representative of the team.

The competitions are being held in the following sports: athletics, basketball 3x3, badminton, general physical training, floorball.

Master classes in all sports included in the rural games were held before the competitions for the young sportspeople. In addition to the sports component, the excursion program around Gatchina is planned for the participants of the event. The sports competitions are accompanied with performances of local creative collectives.

The event was organized within the regional project “Sport is the norm of life” and the national project “Demography”.



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