The Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute is celebrating its 95th anniversary | Север-Пресс



The Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute is celebrating its 95th anniversary

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The Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet (the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russia) is celebrating its 95th anniversary on the 4th of March.

Exactly on this day in 1920 the presidium of the Supreme Council of National Economy of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic approved the regulation about the Northern Research and Trade Expedition, from which history of the institute started. Regular complex study of the Arctic and development of the Northern Sea Route had started since that time, as "Arktika-Info" informs. Formation of the institute is connected with names of polar explorers, famous scientists and participants of arctic expeditions - Rudolf Samoylovich, Otto Schmidt, Aleksey Lavrov, Georgiy Ushakov, Vladimir Vize and the participants of the drifting station "North Pole-1" - the commander Ivan Papanin and his colleagues. High-latitude aerial expeditions "North", ice patrols, drifting scientific stations "North Pole" and ice aerial reconnaissance became regular after the Great Patriotic War. They gave natural data for fundamental and applied scientific work. World recognized scientific schools were formed owing to activities of the prominent polar explorers. These schools are being developed successfully at the present time. Today the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute is the recognized leader of polar explorations of Russia. It has qualified personnel, modern devices and equipment, scientific and expedition ships, scientific bases and stations in the Arctic and the Antarctic.