The Arctic Council elaborated recommendations on safe oil and gas extraction on the shelf | Север-Пресс



The Arctic Council elaborated recommendations on safe oil and gas extraction on the shelf

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The working group of the Arctic Council on Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment elaborated recommendations on safe oil and gas extraction on the shelf.

As it is noted in the report of the working group, anxiety about appearing of possible consequences for marine environment and way of life of indigenous peoples and the whole population grows together with interest to hydrocarbon resources of the arctic shelf. The developers of the recommendations tried to mark targeted actions or approaches, which could be used by national and regional bodies of the power in the Arctic at regulating or rendering of influence on systems providing safety of personnel and organizations, as it is informed on the website The conclusions and recommendations of the report serve as a reminder to Arctic countries about necessity constantly to strengthen and to perfect system of regulation and control over work on the Arctic shelf to provide protection of marine environment.