The association of indigenous peoples announced the literature contest “The Voice of the North” | Север-Пресс



The association of indigenous peoples announced the literature contest “The Voice of the North”

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The Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East is conducting the literature contest “The Voice of the North”. Talented authors writing about life, traditions and customs of indigenous peoples will be announced and marked by its results.

“The Voice of the North” will be conducted in three nominations: “Prose”, “Poetry” and “Children’s literature”. Everyone, who wishes, is invited to participate - both accomplished and novice authors, poets, writers, also organizations and residents of the region. Published and previously unpublished works are received for the contest. Any person, speaking and writing in Russian or in native language, regardless of age, can become a participant. For participation it needs complete an application form and to send it by e-mail with the mark “for literature contest”. Texts are accepted in Russian or native languages with translation into Russian till the first of August. After consideration the jury will create the list of finalists (short-list) and before the 15th of September will define the winners. They will receive monetary prizes, and the best works will be published in the collection. Details, additional information and the application form for participation is located on the website of the Association