The baby mammoth Lyuba will go to Canada | Север-Пресс



The baby mammoth Lyuba will go to Canada

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The exhibition “Mammoths: Giants of the Ice Age” will be opened in Canada in the Royal British Columbia Museum on the first of June. It will last till the end of the year. The baby mammoth Lyuba from Yamal will take the central place.

According to the information given to a correspondent of IA “Sever-Press” by the specialist on public relations of the informational and analytical office of the regional museum Irina Kitayeva, visitors will learn about history of Lyuba’s life, about work of leading world scientists studying mammoths and mastodons. The information will be supplemented with audio and video materials about the exhibit from Yamal, about Salekhard, the Museum-exhibition complex of Ivan Shemanovskiy and about the person, who found the baby mammoth – Yuriy Khudi. As we should remind, a reindeer herder Yuriy Khudi found well-preserved remnants of a baby mammoth in 2007 in the district of the Yuribey River. The baby mammoth was named Lyuba. Paleontologists state that she lived about 37 500 years ago and was 3-4 months old. The remnants of Lyuba were transported to the Museum-exhibition complex and later to the institute of the RAS, where the baby mammoth was on conservation. The unique finding was exhibited within the travelling exhibition in the USA, Germany, Japan, China, England and also in Russian towns, including Moscow and Saint Petersburg.