The beverage “with fish”: delicacies from Yamal instead of the traditional pretzel | Север-Пресс



The beverage “with fish”: delicacies from Yamal instead of the traditional pretzel

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At the international annual exhibition and sale of agricultural products “Green Week” in Berlin representatives of the host side laid a new tradition in drinking of the national German beverage: dried and smoked fish, as well as a novelty from the fish-processing plant of Salekhard - fish snacks are instead of sausages and pretzels.

The press service of the company told a correspondent of the news agency “Sever-Press” that the Germans with enthusiastic interest accepted the Russian version of drinking of the beverage “with fish”. By the results of the tasting, the certificate was issued: the best fish products of the Yamal product brand from the fish-processing plant of Salekhard made of organic raw materials are the excellent choice for the world’s best German beverage.

The document is informal and was made as high assessment and recognition of delicacies from Yamal within the exhibition “Green Week”.

Employees of the enterprise hope that if to consider the German adherence to rules and seriousness in everything, the certificate can open “the green corridor” for the Salekhard plant at “Green Week” in Berlin.

It is noted that fish products of the enterprise repeatedly received the highest awards at many regional and federal contests. Ecological properties and high quality of products became the trademark of the Salekhard plant as the leading fish-processing enterprise of Yamal: fish products are recommended for inclusion in the diet of cosmonauts, and canned food and smoked products from Salekhard are in steady demand on the interregional market.

Photos can be found here: