The Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy. The large landing ship “Yamal” | Север-Пресс



The Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy. The large landing ship “Yamal”

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The speaker of the regional parliament of Yamal Sergey Yamkin congratulated the commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy Alexander Vitko and the commander of the large landing ship “Yamal” Valery Polyakov: “The black sea sailors at all times carried decent service for wellbeing of their native country, bravely fulfilled difficult tasks.

We sincerely appreciate cooperation of our region with the crew of the large landing ship “Yamal” that contributes to patriotic education of young people of Yamal – future defenders of Russia. I wish the seamen for success in increasing of combat readiness and perfecting of military skills, good health and wellbeing”, as he said in the congratulation. The strategic tactical association of the Navy on the Black Sea was created 233 years ago. Sailors of the Black Sea Fleet were glorified in many wars such as the Russo-Turkish, the Crimean, the First World and, of course, the Great Patriotic War. Today the Black Sea Fleet is the mean to ensure Russia’s military security in the South. It consists of submarines, surface ships for actions in oceanic and nearby marine zones, sea missile-carrying, antisubmarine and fighter aviation, as well as units of coastal forces. The fleet includes more than 2700 different ships. As the press service of the regional parliament informs, the large landing ship “Yamal” can be used for setting of minefields, delivery of humanitarian aid and evacuation of population from dangerous areas. “Yamal” can withstand various load options: for example, 150 people of landing groups and 10 tanks with crews of 40 people, 12 amphibious tanks with crews of 36 people, three mortar-guns and others. The personnel of the landing groups include 147 people. The ship can carry cargo with the weight in 650 tons at the distance of 4700 miles and go in all ice-free seas and oceans without restriction. In addition, the large landing ship “Yamal” is used to supply ships and units of the fleet in dispersed basing points, actively participates in exercises and combat training of the navy. More than 360 residents of Yamal - recruits from towns and villages of the region - serve on the Black Sea Fleet, in particular, on the large landing ship “Yamal” and in Kacha aviation regiment of naval aviation. The captain of the second rank Valery Polyakov is the commander of the ship “Yamal”.