The Federation Council will seek transparent methods of classification of the Arctic zone | Север-Пресс



The Federation Council will seek transparent methods of classification of the Arctic zone

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"Clear and explicit methods, which will allow defining precisely the circle of territories related to the arctic zone, are necessary. We shall be seeking it", as the chairperson of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko declared on the briefing in Salekhard.

Within the sitting of the expert council on the Arctic the head of the Federation Council applied to the Ministry for economic development with the suggestion to make methods of classification of this or that region as the arctic zone more transparent and clear. In her answer to the question of a journalist about the results of her request, Valentina Matviyenko underlined that the suggestion had been accepted positively. Dmitriy Rogozin and the ministry for economic development understand that it needs to come back to his issue and to specify methods. It needs to coordinate this issue with regions of Russia, they know all details better. And the main thing is in necessity that these methods would be more transparent and clear, as some parts of northern regions were referred to the arctic zone, and others – were not. Thus, questions remained as she notes. According to the words of Valentina Matviyenko, the committee of the Federation Council on economic policy and its chairperson Yuriy Neyolov are working on this issue. Work on development and substantiation is taking place. "After that we shall come back to scrutinizing this suggestion. We shall insist on specification of classification of northern territories as the arctic zone. I think that next year such decision will be taken", as Valentina Matviyenko says.