The first stage of sea trials of “Arktika” was successful | Север-Пресс



The first stage of sea trials of “Arktika” was successful

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The lead nuclear-powered icebreaker of project 22220 “Arktika” built at the Baltic Shipyard successfully passed the first stage of sea trials. In particular, operation of the vessel from the standby diesel generators was checked, the independent speed in 6 knots was achieved. Communication, navigation and household systems of the icebreaker also successfully proved themselves in action, as the press service of the Baltic Shipyard reports.

As it should be reminded, the icebreaker went on sea trials in the Gulf of Finland and after their completion returned to the outfitting quay of the enterprise.

The lead nuclear icebreaker “Arktika” of project 22220 was built by the order of the State Corporation Rosatom. In May of 2020 it should be delivered to the customer. Now the Baltic Shipyard is building two more serial nuclear-powered vessels of project 22220 “Sibir” and “Ural”.