The frontier ship for use in the Arctic was launched on water | Север-Пресс



The frontier ship for use in the Arctic was launched on water

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The frontier guard ship created specially for use in the Arctic was built in Russia for the first time during the latest 20 years. The head of the Border Force of Russia Vladimir Kuleshov specifies that the talk is about the ship of the first rank "Polyarnaya Zvezda" (Polar Star).

As it is informed on the website, the chief Russian frontier guard specifies that this ship is the only in history of soviet and Russian ship-building created specially for frontier guards. By his words, the ship is equipped with modern navigation and tactical complex, the complex for helicopter basing, and it is able to overcome ice fields in the arctic with the thickness up to one meter. Also he adds that the ship is not the only novelty being taken for armoury. Now active patterns of technical means of frontier guarding, which correspond to world standards and modern requirements, are actively taken for armoury.