The governor of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug participated in the sitting of the State Council of the Russian Federation | Север-Пресс



The governor of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug participated in the sitting of the State Council of the Russian Federation

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On the 21st of April in Moscow the President of Russia Vladimir Putin conducted the joint sitting of the State Council and the Council at the President on fulfillment of priority national projects and demographic policy. The governor of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitriy Kobylkin participated in the sitting. Providing of sustainable development of rural territories was the main theme of the extended sitting.

The participants discussed attracting of long-term investments to rural territories, increasing of demand on its production, tourist and recreation potential. By the words of Vladimir Putin, rural territories have powerful economic, demographic, natural and historical-cultural potential. The task is effectively to use it in interests of the whole country to reach new quality of life of millions Russian citizens. Vladimir Putin is sure that regions, bodies of local self-government, inhabitants should actively participate in the process of alteration. On the federal level it needs to define financial and organizational mechanisms for reaching of the set aims. The working group of the State Council suggested elaborating the long-term Strategy of sustainable development of rural territories. Observation of balance between active industrial development and fulfillment of strategic state tasks, environmental protection and providing of comfortable life for people is the main orienting point of regional policy in Yamal. Activities on sustainable development of rural territories in Yamal are fulfilled within the state program "Development of agro-industrial complex, fishery and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuff of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in 2014-2020". By the words of the governor of the arctic region Dmitriy Kobylkin, within conditions of active fulfillment of mega-projects on extraction and processing of hydrocarbons, fulfillment of transport projects the region searches for new opportunities for development of agriculture both traditional and non-traditional for northern territories. First of all, it takes place owing to innovative projects and integrated development of arctic rural settlements, as the governor notes. High-technological productions on deep processing of agricultural products are inculcated in Yamal for development of rural settlements. As the press-service of the governor of Yamal informs, building of fish-breeding factories, greenhouse complexes is conducted, and small forms of economy together with building of homes for specialists and objects of social infrastructure are developed. In order specialists would come to rural populated areas to live and work, the program on improvement of housing conditions of citizens is fulfilled in the region successfully. More than 1620 young specialists improved their housing conditions on this program from 2008 to 2013. More than 100 thousand square meters of dwelling were built in settlements and villages of Yamal for this aim. About 4 milliard rubles were allocated for this, 600 million rubles – from the federal budget. This year it is planned to allocate more than 900 million rubles, including, from the federal budget – 220 million rubles. Socially responsible business of companies of fuel and energy complex plays a big role in fulfillment of the program. Projects on integrated improvement of rural territories are fulfilled according to agreements between the government of Yamal and companies on the basis of governmental-private partnership. Increasing of investment attractiveness of agro-industrial complex in Yamal, attracting of rural inhabitants to business and development of entrepreneurship among rural inhabitants busy with traditional economy are not less important. The concept of development of arctic rural territories was elaborated in the region. By the words of Dmitriy Kobylkin, specialists tried to consider social, economic, ethnic and other peculiarities of very specific rural and nomadic way of life of tundra people.