The growth rate is impressive. Cargo traffic on the Northern Sea Route by 2035 can reach 155 million and 500 thousand tonnes | Север-Пресс



The growth rate is impressive. Cargo traffic on the Northern Sea Route by 2035 can reach 155 million and 500 thousand tonnes

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According to the forecast, cargo traffic on the Northern Sea Route will make 155 million and 500 thousand tonnes by 2035. Igor Shakalo, acting Vice-President for civil shipbuilding of the United Shipbuilding Corporation said this at the session of the first International Far Eastern Marine Salon in Vladivostok.

“According to the forecast of cargo traffic on the Northern Sea Route, according to data of companies – subsoil users, by 2025 cargo traffic will make 66 million and 700 thousand tonnes, by 2030 - already 115 million and 500 thousand tonnes and by 2035 - 155 million and 500 thousand tonnes. The main types of cargoes for transportation in the order of significance are: LNG, coal, oil, metal. The Asia-Pacific Region is the main direction of cargo transportation in ratio of approximately three to seven”, as Igor Shakalo said. According to him, during eight months of work in water area of the Northern Sea Route from December 2017 to July 2018 icebreakers of Atomflot provided safe icebreaker support of 253 ships with the total gross capacity of almost 11 million tonnes, as TASS informs. “From December 2016 to July 2017 the amount made 55 million and 600 thousand tonnes, it means that the amount of transported cargoes almost two times increased. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the number of ships decreased, it speaks about the trend towards growth of gross capacity and measurements of ships”, as Igor Shakalo said. According to him, extension of navigation time, primarily in the eastern direction, appearing of year-round navigation throughout water area of the Northern Sea Route is another trend.