The high-speed Internet came to Salekhard and Labytnangi | Север-Пресс



The high-speed Internet came to Salekhard and Labytnangi

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The final section of the Northern Optic Stream "Nadym – Salekhard" was started up in Salekhard on the 15th of April.

The ceremony of symbolic welding of optic-fiber line took place in the press-center of the news agency "Sever-Press". The acting deputy governor of Yamal, the chief of the apparatus of the head of the region Natalia Figol, the vice-president of the company "Rostelecom" Anton Kolpakov and the director of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous branch of the company Konstantin Tretyak participated in it. Also the participants of the ceremony announced that the high-speed Internet had come to Salekhard, Labytnangi, the settlements Aksarka and Kharp and to the station Obskaya. Since today the speed of access to the world web in Labytnangi and Kharp, depending on a tariff plan, has become from 4 to 8 times faster, in Salekhard and Aksarka – from 4 to 20 times faster. By the words of Natalia Figol, start up of the section Nadym-Salekhard and completion of building of the Northern Optic Stream, of course, is a significant event for Yamal. As she notes, the full-scale project was fulfilled. It has big social significance for the region. This is uninterrupted communication, safety, bank operations and the opportunity to use state services remotely. The Northern Optic Stream became the largest telecommunication project in Ural region and one of the largest in Russia. More than 10 milliard rubles were spent for it. The project lasted during 14 years. During this time the main line of optic communication went on territories of three regions – Sverdlovsk Oblast, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and connected Yekaterinburg, Nizhniy Tagil, Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut, Noyabrsk, Noviy Urengoy, Nadym and Salekhard. During the time of construction builders overcame many obstacles: more than 300 rivers, almost 800 motor-roads and 80 railroad lines. The total length of the line makes 3500 kilometers of optic fiber, and if to count regional branches – then it makes 14500 kilometers. This information was given by the vice-president of the company "Rostelecom" Anton Kolpakov. Also, as he notes, the Northern Optic Stream will service more than 3 million and 500 thousand subscribers. As Konstantin Tretyak informs, cost of access to the Internet for subscribers of Rostelecom in Salekhard will be decreased, approximately, it will happen in June.