The Hydraulic Engineering Research Institute will elaborate documentation for “Arctic LNG 2” | Север-Пресс



The Hydraulic Engineering Research Institute will elaborate documentation for “Arctic LNG 2”

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The All-Russian Vedeneev Hydraulic Engineering Research Institute concluded the contract with the Italian company Saipem for fulfillment of work within the project “Arctic LNG 2”.

The institute will render engineering and consulting services on development of project documentation for the stationary coastal terminal for production, storage and loading of liquefied natural gas and stable gas condensate on gravity base structures. It is planned to conduct the whole complex of project works in 2018. Passing through the state expert examination is planned for 2019, as it is informed on the website of the holding “RusHydro”. The project “Arctic LNG 2” supposes building of the stationary coastal terminal for production, storage and loading of liquefied natural gas and stable gas condensate on gravity base structures and also the seaport to provide the terminal with the harbor and loading of products to gas carriers and tankers. The project is unique; there are no analogues in the world. Within “Arctic LNG 2” it is planned to build three technological lines, each with the capacity 6 million and 100 thousand tonnes of LNG per year. The site of building and functioning of the terminal is situated in Tazovskiy district of Yamal, on the Gydan peninsula and partially in the Gulf of Ob in the Kara Sea. The company “NOVATEK” is a customer of the project.